Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Political Authority and Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political Authority and Morality - Essay Example The leaders are accountable for their actions and behaviors, and usually do the right thing because otherwise they would have to present their case in front of the publics. Political authority seems justified when there are norms and procedures that take care of the political manifestations and when people are given what they deserve the most – democracy. In essence, it is always a good practice to make use of the political authority to understand the nuances of the Western liberal democracy. This has been demonstrated through the works of Plato, Locke and Mill. The political authority is therefore a very common concept within the political discourse as it encompasses of people from different strata of life. The political authority is a very dire requirement within the political obligations which have been questioned by the works of Plato and Aristotle, and which remain significant even in the time and age of today. It is also a fact that within democratic set ups in a number of countries around the world, there is a good amount of discussion regarding political authority in particular as its role cannot be denied its due right. Within United States, political authority has been given much emphasis because it gives freedom to the people from the domains of the government. Indeed morality is a social contract for our mutual benefit. The ethical domains need to be in line with the way people conduct their lives. This means that people should adhere to the moral righteousness and thus give in their very best with regards to the manifestation of their actions and behaviors. Morality asks of people to be fair and forthright about their dealings and be clean related with their thinking mechanisms. They must put the good of the whole society in retrospect more than their own good (Thiroux 2003). What this eventually does is to demonstrate a sense of goodwill within the society and thus the people generally look up to one another in times of help and distress. M orality is indeed a state of mind, which gets represented in a whole lot of ways. In essence, human beings are generally good natured souls, who care about one another in a very open and direct way. Yet there are some individuals who think of their own gains more than anything else. This mars the ultimate basis of stability and growth within the society and essentially hurts the cause of the society in the larger scheme of things. Thus the human beings are a combination of both good and the bad within any society. One must understand that living morally is indeed something that comes out as a very natural and clean process. It is not at all hard and strenuous by any stretch of imagination. The need is to have a proper mechanism under which morality could be represented in a variety of ways, by the people, for the people and to the people (Morgan 1983). One should take up the Kantian theory of ethics which speaks exclusively of the moral domains within any society of the world. Since Kantian theory focuses on the manifestation of ethical norms and procedures more than mere feelings and emotions of mortals, one would absolutely buy this theory on any given day. In essence personal belief systems revolve around the rationale presented by Immanuel Kant in his theory. One should believe that he has hit the nail on the head whilst referring to the details related with the moral representation of people’s dealings in day to day lives. Morality is important to the day to day situations since people view things very differently on a normal basis. If individuals start acting in a very ethical fashion, it would not be much distant when one views the entire society as a combination of good men and women within its folds. Indeed a moral system needs to be structured and very clear in its content so that people

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Term Paper Example poor moral ethics and this is further evidence in the fact that they had initially denied knowledge of the action which clearly means they were ashamed them. This paper will endeavor to analyses and critique the Shi Tao vs. Yahoo case study by applying several moral frameworks through which the ethicalness of Yahoos actions will be critiqued. These frameworks are; the Utilitarian, the publicity and Principle of Human Dignity and Infinite Worth with the intention of proving that yahoo acted in an unethical way and betrayed its users by compromising Tao’s safety for the sake of sustaining their business interest in China. Shi Tao, a journalist with China’s Business time news had posted information on how the government had intended to curtail the celebration of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Protest by ordering journalists and media houses not to address the matter. He posted the information on an online forum based in New York, consequently the Chines State bureau sought Yahoos help in apprehending him and the latter provided information that led to the location of his IP address and then to his office computer, after which he was arrested and convicted. After the conviction, reporters without boarders exposed yahoos role in the matter and although the firm initially denied any knowledge as to why they were asked from the information they later admitted. In justification, yahoo claimed that they were obliged to conform to the laws of the country which required they share information with the state. The firm nonetheless came under fire from various critiques who challenged the legitim acy and morality for their actions accusing them of acting as police informers on Dissidents. Lui Xiabo, one China’s prominent Chinese dissidents accused Yahoo of failing to respect the rights of Shi in because they let their business interests dull their moral sensibility (Dickie). Other critics said that if the firm acknowledges their actions were not ethical, they